“And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”
Luke 9:23
Jesus laid out the conditions to be a follower. This is no place for prima-donnas or privileged.
Jesus gave 3 qualifiers;
1. Following Jesus requires self- denial. It is about others!
2. Following Jesus is 7 days a week not just on Sunday.
3. To follow Jesus will take you to the following people and places that you might be uncomfortable with.
• Prisons (visiting the incarcerated)
• Hospitals (visiting sick people)
• Feeding the poor
• Clothing the less fortunate
• Giving water to the thirsty
• Welcoming and befriending Strangers
So Jesus is straightforward. There are no days off, we put our personal desires on the back burner, and following Jesus takes us to places and with people who are not like us.
Good morning and the signup sheet is located at the Cross.
Oh, we can sing 🎵”There’s Room at the Cross for Me”🎶🎶
“As a man thinketh in his heart so is he
Pro 23:7
Room At The Cross For You (Live At Studio C, Gaither Studios, Alexandria, IN/2016)
Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone – Ernie Ford – Morgenster 24