Our Journey
Johnny R. of Arkansas, Bill T., originally of S.C. Dave S., of Indiana and Jerry H., now of Alabama have come together now in their 70’s and 80’s to provide these Daily Devotions.
All of us are farm boys. We originally connected in the 1960’s and 1970’s as salesmen for a large Agricultural Company. Some of us only crossed each others paths 3-4 times before coming together in this ministry.
Johnny, around 1990, began lay speaking and speaking for a prison ministry team. His company truck was his sanctuary. He would get into the Spirit and God would “pour out” messages for him. He would pull off to the side of the road and make notes!
Gerald, Tom, and Dave, fellow associates on Johnny’s mid-south corporate sales team, developed terminal illnesses over time and Johnny put together a text chain of mutual company friends, mostly in the mid-south, in order to facilitate health updates and prayer requests. Those updates eventually led to occasional, and by the spring of 1991 daily devotions to the text chain where capacity was limited to a grouping of 30 where everyone had to have an apple iPhone to make it work. Eventually Johnny added other groups in his circle of contacts and today he sends his daily message to 5 different groups. Johnny is a very Spiritually developed soul.
I started praying for friends and family dealing with difficult situations in early 2020. As I write this on 12Dec24, there are over 300 souls on my prayer list. No one has ever requested to come off of the list, even after their “crisis” has passed. I always requested their permission before adding them to the list. The invitation went like this; “ I sure am sorry for your troubles of ____________________, Bad things happen to good people. I have a prayer list. I pray collectively daily for everyone on my list. Every Sunday, I pray individually for each person and family on my list. On Sunday, I remind you that I am holding you up in prayer by texting you individually. It may be a toast, a famous saying, a prayer, a Bible verse, or just a reflection. Whatever it is, my purpose for sending it to you is simply to remind you that I am just one of many people you know that care about you and that are thinking of you, pulling for you and praying for you. You never need to respond to my Sunday texts but if you do, I am always glad to hear from you. If you ever want to be off of my prayer list, just reply “stop.” May I add you to my prayer list?” Only two have declined.
I started out sending toasts, quotations, and other positive items. It then evolved to favorite Bible verses. With time, I added elements of famous quotes, verses, reflections, links to YouTube hymns and gospel songs, and personal reflections celebrating Christ in my life. These Sunday texts now go individually and to family groups totaling 300+.
In 2023, I learned of Johnny’s group of approximately 25 or so of my early career colleagues as described above. Johnny and I had been acquaintances as young Corporate Sales Representatives in the early 1970’s. When I joined the group, he was sending out a morning devotional text including 1-3 Bible verses along with his reflections on them. I grew up with hymns and gospel songs so pretty quickly I started “bolting on” a song or two to reinforce Johnny’s daily message.
In November 2023, Johnny fell and was out of commission for several weeks. I filled in on the dailies. Dave S. stepped up to do one morning every week. His contributions were well received and much appreciated by all… especially by me. We were both greatly relieved when Johnny mended enough to return. For the most part Johnny does five days a week. Dave does Tuesdays and I do Sundays. That provides a little variation in style each week.
Jerry H. tends to stay in the background. He provides invaluable encouragement and moral support. His Arkansas home was completely destroyed in a tornado on 31Mar2023. Like all, he has had his share of blessings and challenges. He has risen to them a stronger man with a stronger faith. He doesn’t write or post but he is with us all the way and is an important and valued team member.
Our goal with this effort, God Willing, is to provide one reflection for each day of the year. We hope it becomes a great way to start your day. Computer links and song titles are provided for those who want the full experience valued by four farm boys who grew up in the 1950’s.
I am 73 years old now. It is a time of reflection. It is a time of yearning to “leave a legacy.” My wife and I have three adult children and 8 beautiful grandchildren. It is my hope that they might read these reflections someday and find a nugget or two that will give them comfort or insight as they make their life’s journey, and ultimate salvation through accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior. We have that same hope for you as you journey with us.
Perhaps in some small way, these reflections may lead other souls to the Peace of Christ’s salvation that has been such a Blessing to us. May you be so Blessed and may the Peace of Christ be with you on this and everyday…forever.
Our mission is to provide a space where readers can find peace, hope, inspiration and salvation through thoughtful reflection and spiritual encouragement.
Bill T.