“It is more important to influence people than to impress them.”
Adrian Rogers
God made mankind to be physical, mental, and spiritual .
We IMPRESS people by our physical prowness such as athletic skills and creative talents as well as with those with exceptional mental abilities.
However, we INFLUENCE people with our SPIRIT!
Our Spirit will always be our greatest strength.
We have limited control of our physical and mental gifts, whereas we have unlimited control over our spirit through the indwelling Holy Spirit.
“Then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the BREATH OF LIFE.”
Gen 2:7
The ” Breath of Life” is referred to in the Bible as our spirit.
Good morning as you strive to live in the Spirit.
“As. Man thinketh in his heart, so is he
Pro 23:7
Vertical Worship – Spirit of the Living God (Music Video)
Completely agree. And I think the thinking here goes with the verse from yesterday’s post – Phil 4:8-10. If we focus on what’s good, it will raise our spirits, which will influence others positively.
Good observation Alex.