🎵Send The Light🎵

“So SHALL my word be that goes out from my mouth;

it SHALL NOT return to me empty,

but it SHALL accomplish that which I purpose,

and SHALL succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”

Isaiah 55:11

Isaiah prophetically states the importance of the word of  God. 

Shall means it is imperative  and  must

be done. 

Isaiah has the following to say about God’s word:

   •God’s word is inspired by the Holy 


   •God’s word does not lose its power 

      and return void. 

   •God’s word is penetrating and 

      accomplishes His purpose.

   •God’s word is targeted like an arrow

     hitting the bullseye. 

Some 200,000 Gideons across the USA

have distributed over 2 billion Bibles across our country as well as the world as mission arms of the local churches. 

Isaiah 55:11 drives our efforts. 

We have seen truth and power of God’s word. 

Good morning ;🎶”Send the LIGHT🎶

FYI; The Light is the Word of God!


“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he

Pro 23:7

Send the Light – Acapeldridge